The Somis Pantry

The Somis Pantry typically supplies a monthly distributions to over 60 families.  Each family receiving 4-5 bags of groceries.  The pantry also distributes Thanksgiving food baskets and over 65 turkeys to Somis families in need.  

In addition to providing food, we often hold clothing drives.  

On occasion, the pantry partners with others to provide assistance to Somis families through Ventura County healthcare agencies, blood drives, nutritional advisors, and more.

Santa Project
Bringing stockings and cheer since 1952

Members of our club make numerous Christmas stockings.  During the holiday season the stockings are filled with toys and candy.  Our fabulous Santa volunteers (sometimes accompanied by their Elf helpers) travel around our community visiting families and delivering the colorful and overflowing stockings.  So much fun is had by all !  😊 

Service Project Chairpersons

Santa Project:  Gail Kearney & Yvonne Johnson

Somis Pantry & Thanksgiving Baskets: 
Beth Yale, Juila Newman, and Yvonne Johnson

Our Annual Fundraiser

Display of several auction items

Getting Ready for a wonderful gathering with friends

The fun is underway!

Gathering with family and friends, we hold our "Annual Fundraiser" each spring.  This event brings in the largest amount of community, and local business donations. This generosity allows our club to continue its support of Scholarships, the Santa Project, the Somis Pantry, honorariums, local schools, Tech Trek and more.